Omeo MTB Trail Update

15 December 2022 | Community, Cycling,

After the fanfare opening of the Omeo pump and skills track early this year with the ‘Shootout’ competition drawing mountain bike riders to town, the much-anticipated mountain bike trails in Omeo are a step closer.

Stage 1 of the trails includes 11 km of family-friendly green-rated trails that will be open to the public in April 2023.  These trails will provide a sneak peek of what Omeo will offer over the coming years and is a great ‘pit stop’ for riders already visiting the surrounding regions existing trails at Mt Taylor, Falls Creek, Mt Beauty, Dinner Plain, Bright and Beechworth.

The broader project includes a further 100+ kilometres of trail catering for intermediate and advanced riders thanks to funding from the East Gippsland Shire Council, the Commonwealth Building Better Regions Fund and the Victorian Government Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund.

Unlike its surrounding alpine neighbours, the trails, pump and skills track will be available to ride all year round.

All trails will be accessed via Livingstone Park. located within walking distance from the main street of town, so it will be easy to grab a coffee or a bite to eat.


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