Places to eat /

New Rush Brewhouse

New Rush Brewhouse

174 Day Avenue, Omeo 3898
Gold was discovered in Omeo in 1851 and during the height of the Gold Rush there were numerous settlements, and approximately 9000 people living in the Omeo District. One of these settlements was known as New Rush which was on the Upper Livingstone River, and another settlement in the district was Glen Wills.
The man behind the logo is William ‘Billy’ O’Connell who was a gold miner and owned the Yellow Girl and Maude mines in Glen Wills. Following on from his success in the gold mines, he built the Blue Duck Hotel.
Fast forward 170 years and Omeo is finding a New Rush of economic prosperity – and is on its way to becoming an adventure destination.

The Benambra Store offers a range of supplies and services.

Probably the best known building in Omeo, The Golden Age provides for all tastes.